Saturday, March 28, 2015

Brain Hats

We have been studying the human body, and spent time exploring how our brain works.
We decided to make brain hats, so it was easier to remember what the different parts of our brain are, and how they work.

Buddy Reading with Room 3

Every Friday, we buddy read with room 3. It is a heap of fun, and we love to hear the great stories that they share at the end of the session.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Making hands

We are learning about the body and how it works.
We have been exploring the skeleton and muscles and tendons.
We wanted to know how the hand worked and why we didn't have muscles in our hands, so we decided to create a model of a hand.
We cut out shapes of our hands, and used straws as the skeleton and strings as the tendons.
We had to cut slots so we could have knuckles and the fingers would bend.
Check out our pictures.......